force placed insurance, lender placed insuranceBuying insurance is the smartest action to take when you invest in a property. Each situation is entirely different, however, so every person will need a different type of insurance. Lender placed insurance is a specialty policy that’s often overlooked by the general public. Investors need this coverage in many different situations, from buying a rental home to supplementing a homeowner’s insurance policy. Take a closer look at force placed insurance, and investors can protect themselves accordingly.

MYTH:  Homeowners have no choice with insurance coverage

The term “force placed” is certainly a strong description for any insurance policy. However, this term does not mean that homeowners do not have any choice with their insurance coverage. Lender placed insurance coverage is often a supplement or temporary measure so that the investor does not lose out financially. Lenders and investors will always need to know that the property is covered in the event of a disaster or accident. This is why forced placed insurance procedures are in place.

MYTH:  Forced Placed insurance protects the homeowner and lender

There is some confusion surrounding lender placed insurance and the benefactors. The person or entity that owns the majority of the property will be the party that’s truly protected from financial burden. Forced Place, or lender placed, insurance ensures that the bank is protected when the current owners default on their homeowner policy.

MYTH:  No insurance is required on a vacant property

Insurance is always necessary on any property regardless of its status, such as bank-owned or individually held. Leaving a home vacant with no insurance could result in a financial problem when disaster strikes.

MYTH:  Flood insurance is covered in every policy

Property owners in flood-prone areas need to be careful about their insurance choices and the amount of flood insurance required. Standard, force placed insurance does not cover floods. Read over your policy in order to understand all of the details. Coverage features usually include fire and vandalism.  If a flood strikes the property, the owner must have specific insurance for water damage. The owner is otherwise liable for any damages that are initially caused by the flood.

Force placed insurance continues to be a critical component to financial success with any property investments. Lenders and property owners should seek out policies whenever they’re concerned about insufficient insurance coverage. Reputable insurance providers can put together a policy that works for the individual. As a result, every insurance policy is carefully created for unique circumstances where investment protection is a priority.

For more information about force placed insurance and other insurance options offered by APIA, visit